Modal opened by buttons

Modal opened by link

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at elit eu tellus vestibulum lacinia. Quisque at mauris lacus. Cras tincidunt mauris at mollis dignissim. Cras sed lorem sed lorem posuere gravida. Fusce consectetur lobortis turpis non placerat. Vestibulum sed tellus luctus, eleifend felis non, accumsan tellus. Quisque dictum neque felis, in tristique orci tincidunt at.

Modal opened by image


  • title: modal title
  • opener: type of modal opener(button/text/image)
  • button text opener: text of the button
  • button style: style of the button(normal/alternative)
  • link text opener: text of the link
  • link text size: font size of the link
  • image opener: url of the image